EAT RIGHT, LIVE RIGHT - make better choices
This “Eat Right, Live Right” 3-hour mini-course introduces Manual Muscle Testing for food and supplement choices in addition to basic food combination concepts.
– International Kinesiology College workshop –
I will teach you the basic skill of Manual Muscle Testing that may well open up a whole new world of discovery for you. I will guide you through the concepts and techniques, teaching you to use muscle testing to gauge stress responses.
We all know how important nutrition is. Food choices can make or break you. Moreover, some of us take various supplements, vitamins or other herbal tinctures. How do you know which ones you need to take, how much you need to take or when you need to take them to achieve optimal results?
If you take them in the incorrect dosages or at the wrong times, you are creating more stress in your body, or the benefits will just not be there. If you take the wrong ones, you may end up with more stress than you are willing to handle. This is where Manual Muscle Testing comes in… because YOUR body knows the answers to all these questions. All you have to do is know HOW to ask!

Everyone has a different body frame, body fat distribution and height, all of which determine your healthiest weight range. By eating right and trying to combine foods properly, our body will tend to gravitate around our individual ideal weight, by either gaining more or eliminating excess fat and cellulite.
It’s an individual matter which foods build a person’s health and enhance their energy and which are draining on the system. For each of us there are some foods which have a debilitating effect, creating stress and imbalance in our bodies. These may be things which could be clinically identified as “allergens”.
During this 3-hour workshop we will work together and you will learn:
- what Manual Muscle Testing is, how it works and why it is a practical instrument for your health;
- how you can identify your individual choices of foods and supplements to optimize your health;
- how you can tap into your body’s biocomputer.
You will also get a 28-page booklet and a printed summary of the course that you can reference back any time.
Think for a moment… you have a cold and it’s the middle of the night. You have a collection of herbal teas or supplements in your kitchen. How cool it would be to know exactly which tea to prepare or which vitamins to use to help yourself… without guessing or waking up an herbalist friend.
You have two options!
If you DON’T take this course… you may start panicking and get worried. You start to think about pills, drugs or maybe calling your doctor (if they are available). How many options do you have, really? Are you guessing? Do you feel powerless?
If you DO take this course… you can quickly do a few muscle tests on yourself, and in a couple of minutes you know exactly the name of tea to prepare. Why?! Because you simply ask your body through Manual Muscle Testing! No pills, no drugs, no trip to the doctor. Do you feel empowered?
Now honestly… how do you want to feel?
Come see what it’s all about, then draw your own conclusions!
Send us an e-mail to receive the course dates and locations near you!