Stress in the body is an ongoing compensation for the life’s experiences.  After pinpointing the stress, we remove it through an application of various techniques. What we fear, we attract.

Specialized Kinesiology is based on the belief that the body stores all information, like a computer. This information can be accessed through muscle testing. The body always knows what’s wrong and usually knows how to fix it. At Health River Natural Therapies, we use a multi-dimensional approach to balance your body’s systems and increase the body’s ability to heal naturally. The system stems from a Western Chiropractic approach blended with Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts to activate the body’s natural healing capacities for balance.

It is a very potent and remarkable, non-invasive system that enables a practitioner to work with a wide range of issues. While it can work exceedingly well with the diffusion of emotional stress or traumas, it may work equally well with the elimination of muscular and structural pain and weakness. It can also be effective in the elimination of allergies and food sensitivities, as well as loosening the grip of self-destructive habits, such as addictions. The range of applications seems almost impossibly wide.

The reason for this is that the practitioner is not a dispenser of healing knowledge to the client, but rather the facilitator of the body’s own wish to be healed. Using muscle response (Manual Muscle Testing), the practitioner follows the trail of clues that caused the body to be out of balance (dis-ease). Next, the muscle response will direct them to the very therapy to resolve these imbalances (dis-eases).

The therapy methods use various points located on your body via spinal reflex points, neurolymphatic points, neurovascular points, meridians, acupuncture holding points or emotional stress release points. The primary focus is on the achievement of optimal wellness. If needed, your body may guide us to other available therapies. Every person is unique, every balance is utterly individual!

Specialized Kinesiology is an alternative and complementary model of wellness and healthcare. Importantly, it is a non-diagnostic model and not used for diagnosis or drug prescription. The application methods are in no way deemed substitutes for medical diagnoses, treatments and/or medications and should not be interpreted as such. In case of a medical emergency, you need to seek appropriate emergency care.

Simply put, Manual Muscle Testing is the defining technique in Specialized Kinesiology used as a way to identify the presence of stresses or imbalances (dis-eases) in your body. Where there’s stress, there’s illness. Also known as a “biofeedback tool”, muscle testing opens the door into your body’s data system, providing access to the physical realm of muscles, as well as physiological, biochemical, emotional, mental and psycho-spiritual levels of your being. After all, we are multi-dimensional, right? We have a musculoskeletal structure, emotions, thoughts, hormones, blood and much, much more.

Sessions are done fully clothed so come in comfortable clothing.

Your first session will require an intake procedure. After you book your first session, you will receive by e-mail a Client Health History Form. Please print and fill out the form before you come. Completing the form ahead of time will allow a more relaxed session, with less time spent going over the paperwork. If you are not able to finish the form prior to your appointment, please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time for completion.

Using Manual Muscle Testing, the practitioner will follow the trail of stressors (structural, biochemical, emotional, mental, environmental, energetical) that caused your body to be out of balance. Next, they will match the corresponding non-invasive therapy to resolve these imbalances and allow your body to heal naturally.

The initial appointment time is usually up to about 75 minutes during which the practitioner goes over your health history and records chief complaints. Because your body stores the changes made during a session, this means that every shift builds on the one before. Your body remembers the sessions it receives and your healing process will continue with each additional session you have.

At the office, full payment is expected following each session.

Session fee is $165.00 including tax.

Cash, personal checks or e-transfers preferred.

Cancellation Policy

24-hour advance notice is required to cancel an appointment. This allows the opportunity for another client to schedule an appointment. An appointment cancelled without 24-hour advance notification will result in a full charge to the client for the missed appointment. You will be billed for the full session charge, which must be paid prior to scheduling a new appointment.

No-Show Policy

If you miss an appointment without calling 24 hours in advance, you are responsible for the full appointment price. You will be billed for the full session charge, which must be paid prior to scheduling a new appointment.

Late Arrival Policy

If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, your practitioner will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a session. Regardless of the length of the session given, you will be responsible for the “full” session-amount.

Services for clients newborn through 8 years old will be provided with their parent or guardian present in the room.

Clients ages 9-15 may receive their services with their parent / guardian on the premises or in the room.

After their initial visit, 16+ year old clients may schedule and receive services on their own with parent/guardian approval.

Any client under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign their Health History and Informed Consent forms.

A wide variety of people experience resolution of imbalances (dis-eases) with Specialized Kinesiology. Listed below are some that it would be most appropriate for:

  • Seniors, babies, children, adults and even your pets
  • People, teenagers, children struggling with learning difficulties
  • Pro and amateur athletes, weekend warriors, hikers, runners, skiers and snowboarders
  • People feeling general pain, musculoskeletal injuries or disorders
  • People who are extremely stressed out, dealing with mental and emotional traumas
  • Patients who are pre- and post-surgery, have been hospitalized or in a wheelchair
  • People struggling with chronic infections, allergies, intolerances, fears, traumas, phobias or addictions

Each person progresses at their own rate and existing state of health. Let’s say your body has been well maintained over time and you had and accident for which you are coming in for. In this case, the recovery time will take less, so you will need fewer sessions to achieve your recovery goal. Depending on your concern, sessions may be weekly, biweekly, monthly or occasional.

A maintenance program might be generally once a month, but if we were working with a chronic condition, more frequent sessions early on could be more beneficial, with a maintenance schedule after your concern has started to resolve.

While I can and do recommend or suggest time frames for sessions, ultimately you know your own body and you know how you are feeling, and I trust that you will listen to your body-mind and contact me as needed.

Specialized Kinesiology practitioners can’t claim to “cure” anyone, nor are we allowed to diagnose. Our purpose is to support you in your own healing or recovery journey and to promote health! Holistic modalities are designed to “balance” your body, mind and soul. The emotional impact of stress and trauma can be reduced; your body, through the nervous system, can relax; you can function more easily throughout your day. How quickly a person “heals” or recovers is due to variables we do not control. Below are some of the variables that determine healing:

  • Nutritional needs – does your body have the immediate resources?
  • Time – some things take more time due to a prolonged past strain placed on the body
  • Support needs available – emotional, physical, mental, spiritual

Many of the clients see results in only 1 session – their range of motion is increased, pain is decreased, they feel more relaxed yet energized or their original health complaint resolves. Results will also depend on the severity of your problems, the health of your body at the time of the session and whether we can get close to the causal factors right away or not. Sometimes, symptoms can get worse before they begin to improve, since the chain of compensations created by your body due to the imbalances (dis-eases) over an extensive period of time now collapses, thus your body has to find its new, healthy balance.

Usually, these are the people who are in most need of such therapies such as Specialized Kinesiology. If they are critically ill or suffer from cancer, it means their bodies are very out of balance, so they will greatly benefit from the non-invasive therapy of Touch for Health to improve their state of health and mind and re-establish the state of balance structurally, emotionally and biochemically. Also, they are then better able to face the medical procedures and treatment protocols.

Specialized Kinesiology is a very clear, elegant and accessible system for both lay people and health care professionals when implementing a holistic model of wellness. The “Touch for Health” type Specialized Kinesiology program is designed for general public and is taught in a series of four courses, but many people take only the Level One course and simply use those tools forever. Some go further and take Level Two, Level Three and Level Four. Check out all my courses in the Courses section.

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