Restore your health. Allow your body to take the lead.


Why Touch for health®?

Touch for Health® is a very potent and remarkable, non-invasive system that enables a practitioner to work with a wide range of issues. While it can work exceedingly well with the diffusion of emotional stress or traumas, it may work equally well with the elimination of muscular and structural pain that’s causing discomfort in your body. It can also be effective in the elimination of allergies and food sensitivities, as well as loosening the grip of self-destructive habits, such as addictions.
The range of applications seems almost impossibly wide.

The reason for this is that the practitioner is not a dispenser of healing knowledge to the client, but rather the facilitator of the body’s own wish to be healed. Using muscle response (Manual Muscle Testing), the practitioner follows the trail of clues that caused the body to be out of balance. Next, the muscle response will direct them to the very touch therapy to resolve these imbalances.

You need to experience it to truly understand what it is and what it can do!


Chronic fatigue

Sometimes we suffer from the impact of an accumulation of small stresses and other times we are bowled over by a major trauma.

Stress & Digestion

Different people suffering from anxiety display different symptoms. We help to harmonize the nervous system so as to take off the stress internally.

Learning difficulties

Adults and children alike, experience cognitive deficiencies that are a direct result of the loss of proper brain integration.

Infections, allergies

Oftentimes, the body is first weakened by emotions/fears that then affect the immune system. By resolving those factors, we are able to restore the immune system.

… and much more


hi, i'm stefan samu

Stefan had been running a successful translation and localisation company for 20 years, providing services for some of the top Fortune 500 technology and medical instrument companies in the world.

He holds university degrees (B.Sc.) in Geography, History and Business Administration (M.B.A.).

He became passionate about Vibrational Medicine in 2013 and started studying the science behind it. Today, he is certified as a “Touch for Health” Instructor, inspiring people around the world.

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